Interested in research into how health professionals talk with children and young people about pain?

Interested in research into how health professionals talk with children and young people about pain?

The latest online activity is from a researcher at the University of Manchester – DR Rebecca Lee who has requested your help in writing a list of question prompts to use in future interviews with children, young people and their parents in her study considering the communication about pain between professionals and young people and their families. All you need is to download the document, have a read and a think and send Rebecca back your comments – anything missing, another way of saying something, anything you don’t understand etc. If you would be interested in taking part, please see here! You will even got a shopping voucher to say thank you for your time – for when the shops eventually open!




What are your priorities for future research in rheumatology?

A key aim of Your Rheum is to ensure the voice of young people is heard at all stages of the research cycle, right from the decision making as to what research to do, right through to sharing and publicising the results . The national group which steers research within the paediatric and adolescent community in the UK – the Paediatric Rheumatology Clinical Studies Group – has set up a survey which we would encourage young people to complete so they hear what sort of topics YOU as young people want researched. What are the questions you want answered? So please, take a few minutes and ensure your voice is loud and clear and heard:

Your Rheum’s First Zoom Meeting

On Friday the 29th of May, Your Rheum hosted its first online meeting via zoom. All in all it was a great success and we had over 12 participants from all over the UK!

We decided to organise this meeting, so that we could still engage young people in research and listen to their views/opinions whilst on lockdown. We talked through the current and upcoming opportunities available through Your Rheum and a bunch of external activities that young people may find useful.

One of the research team also joined us, to go into detail about their project and how exactly people could feed into developing the work.


We are currently working on trying to organize another meeting and as soon as we have decided on a date/time, an email will be sent round to members, the website will be updated and a Facebook group post will be added! If you would be interested in taking part in the next meeting, you can also email: [email protected]

When Your Rheum tackled the hearty dragon

In the planning of our autumn Your Rheum meeting, visiting Wales was at the top of our location list, as Your Rheum hasn’t been there before. So, on Saturday 9th November we made it to Cardiff!!

Kat and I arrived at midday, in a dry but cold Cardiff city centre and made our way to the Versus Arthritis office, who were kindly hosting us for the afternoon. We met Sharyn who is a Versus Arthritis family and young person coordinator and set up ready to start the meeting around 1pm.

This meeting was extra special, not just because we were in lovely Wales, but because we were celebrating Your Rheum’s 3rd birthday!! (that’s right, we’ve been around for 3 whole years) and to help us celebrate we had plenty of birthday treats including Colin the caterpillar cake (see picture of a very happy me holding Colin.)

Morgan and Lilly arrived, we sat down with a good brew and all got to know one another (including Lilly’s lovely mum Donna.) Poor Vic, our researcher/physiotherapist for the day, finally made it to us – she fought through the bad weather and UK public transport. Lilly’s mum went off to do some retail therapy and then we were all ready to get started.

Vic who is a physiotherapist in Newcastle by day and a researcher by night, explained to us a couple of projects herself and colleagues up and down the country are working on. In a nutshell, she was interested in what children and young people living with rheumatic conditions, consider to be important to them (both day-to-day and throughout their lives so far.) For example, being able to move or play sports, having energy and feeling less fatigued, talking/making new friends. The list is endless! These types of things are also known as outcomes. Vic is particularly interested in these outcomes as they will help health professionals like herself monitor and examine things important to children and young people she sees in clinic. The idea being, once you know what you should be looking at, you can monitor improvements or declines and treat when needed. This information will also hopefully help other health professionals and researchers in the future, to improve treatments and services.

Vic brought with her a large piece of paper which we could all scribble or draw on, to share our ideas. We also used magazines to cut out images to support our thinking. We did this activity as a small group with lots of chatting to work through our thoughts. As always, we made sure everyone had a break with snacks and of course enjoyed a slice of Colin.

Here are some photos of us doing the activity. For those of you who want a sneak peak of what the group said are important outcomes to them, they included: hobbies such as dancing and wheelchair sports; walking and playing with pets; making friends and socialising and communicating experiences of pain. Physiotherapists such as Vic can assess these outcomes by using things such as questionnaires or talking to the young person when in clinic or, using a pain 0-10 line which is more meaningful to patients, (for example, 3 means pain but not as painful as yesterday or my kind of level 10 pain.) It’s also important to give examples or scenarios of pain opposed to just using numbers 0-10.

Everyone seemed to enjoy this group activity because it gave the opportunity to zoom in and out of life, as Morgan nicely put it. Lilly also highlighted that it’s a good way to see an overview of you and reflect. With a few more prompts at the start of the activity, Vic has herself a creative way to engage and talk to young people about what is important to them.

It was a great and productive meeting, working with lovely people (as always). Thank you to all who made it happen and to Kat, who isn’t in a photo but was definitely there. 🙂

Till next time Wales!

Written by Laura Lunt ( Your Rheum Coordinator & Facilitator)

Involving young people in decision-making about their long-term conditions: What nurses need to know

Hey everyone!!

Niamh Adams (a fellow member of Your Rheum), wrote a fantastic blog for BMJ Evidence-Based Nursing. which you can read here. In the article Niamh highlights why it’s essential health professionals involve young people in decisions about their health and healthcare.

Niamh also has her own blog site, can be found here - which you might find useful, insightful and inspirational - we certainly did!!!

Your Rheum team

***Get in touch with the Your Rheum team if you want to write a blog for the website. [email protected]***

My first Your Rheum meeting

Imogen, 18, was diagnosed with Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) at age 8. Here she tells her story of how she found out about Your Rheum and shares her experience at her first group meeting.

How I found Your Rheum

I joined Your Rheum in November 2017 after finding out about it from CAPS (Childhood Arthritis Prospective Study). I am a CAPS participant and they send me study questionnaires regularly. Some questionnaires in CAPS ask about my future plans. I wrote about my A-level studies and my EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), which was about rheumatoid arthritis and the treatments available to patients with the condition. In these questionnaires I also expressed my personal interest in the condition, due to my ongoing struggle with more regular arthritis flare ups in new joints. To my surprise, the study coordinator for CAPS sent me an email offering some help with my dissertation and also informing me about Your Rheum. I was linked through to the website where I filled out an application form and sent it to a lovely lady who I later learned was called Katharine. From here I was sent an induction pack via email and invited to join the Facebook group. Initially I was a little worried that my condition being classified as JIA, was going to set me apart from other young people with different diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. However, the group is so inclusive and open to anyone with a rheumatic condition.

My first meeting

Almost immediately after joining, I was invited to a Your Rheum meeting in Sheffield on a Saturday afternoon, in a conference room at Sheffield Hallam University. The cost of public transport was an immediate concern to me but as I kept reading the email, Katharine explained that my train tickets would be paid for! As well as this I was offered a LoveToShop voucher (which I may or may not have ACCIDENTALLY spent in Sheffield that same day!). I found Your Rheum to be a friendly and warm group of other individuals with stories similar to mine.

Before the meeting started properly, we were all introduced to each other and the Your Rheum team and ate some buffet food which was all laid out for us. The whole atmosphere at the meeting was very informal and I felt very free to leave, which really made me feel comfortable, since I struggle a lot with the anxiety of being trapped in formal situations. We were introduced to two researchers/consultant rheumatologists, Dan and Rachel, (Rachel is also chair of BANNAR (Barbara Ansell National Network for Adolescent Rheumatology), an organisation that I later learnt funds Your Rheum).

During the meeting we talked about two research projects, the first one was about psychosocial factors and transition. Dan explained the research proposal and asked us what we thought of it – such as, is it important to research psychosocial factors, what do you think of the study design e.g. how often we send out questionnaires, or conduct interviews and do the questions make sense. We also talked about our own experiences with transitioning from child to adult rheumatology services and how we felt during the move. It was incredibly interesting to hear how my encounter contrasted with how easy other people found the switch and it made me realise just how much support services across the UK differ and what is available. The second topic we covered was about how we could treat JIA more effectively using a different system of treatments. This proposed study was especially helpful for my EPQ and allowed me to gain insight into all the hard work that goes into proposing a study.

My trip to Sheffield was very informative and also resulted in me falling in love with the city and picking it as one of my choices for when I go to university to study Biomedical Science in September of this year.

I’ve been a member of Your Rheum for over half a year now and I enjoy voicing my opinions on research proposals and helping with the design of promotion posters for Your Rheum. I’m looking forward to the next meeting which will hopefully be soon!


How research can give patients a voice

Eilean MacDonald Eilean MacDonaldwas diagnosed with childhood arthritis when she was only a baby. 18 years on, as well as dealing with normal teenage life and managing her condition, she’s helping MRC researchers on a stratified medicine study to pick the right treatment, first time, for future patients.

It all started when I was 18 months old and I bumped my knee. My parents noticed that the swelling wouldn’t go down, and took me to our local hospital. They ran tests but the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong, so I was referred to the rheumatology department at Alder Hey children’s hospital, where I was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA).

At first I was lucky. An ibuprofen derivative helped reduce the swelling, and shortly after I didn’t need any medication at all. But in in my late primary school years things changed. The swelling in my knee returned. New oral steroid-based drugs caused painful side effects, including mouth ulcers that made it difficult to eat and even talk – I didn’t last long on that medication. I also needed regular steroid injections into my joints under anaesthesia, for seven years.

Finding the right treatment

During my secondary school years, the arthritis moved to my other knee, both of my ankles, and my left thumb. I was prescribed an immunosuppressant medication called methotrexate which I took for two years. I hated it so much, and dreaded taking my weekly tablets as they made me feel so nauseous as a side effect. But for me to try other, newer medications, I had to try methotrexate first – for at least a year. For some people methotrexate works great, but unfortunately it didn’t for me and I was finally taken off it when it made me sick. After that I was put on an amazing drug called adalimumab, which works brilliantly for me.

Despite the effectiveness of adalimumab, one day in year 11 I had an awful pain in my ankle that didn’t go away. After a lot of hospital trips and scans, doctors discovered that I had no cartilage in my ankle joint and my bones had been grating together, resulting in a series of painful surgical interventions. After the surgeries didn’t work as hoped, my ankle joint fused itself together in an inadequate position, leaving me unable to walk properly.

I’ve now been on crutches for 2 years and am waiting on a full ankle replacement.

It’s been difficult. I have had to give up things I love and sit out of things that I desperately want to do. I miss dance so much and plan to go back when my ankle is sorted, hopefully. Having to deal with this level of pain 24/7 and the fatigue is hard, especially in my A-level years and when I’m trying to be a normal teenager.

But although there are a lot of negatives, I’ve also experienced some positive things due to JIA. It has allowed me to meet some amazing people and take part in some things other people can’t – the CLUSTER study and Your Rheum group. Your Rheum is an advisory group for young people with a rheumatology condition to have their say, and help shape current adolescent and young adult rheumatology research in the UK.

Being more than a patient

I have the honour of being patient lead on the CLUSTER study, which is funded by the MRC. CLUSTER is a five-year project following the health trajectories of 5,000 children with JIA. The aim is to create a simple biomarker test that will lead to personalised treatment. Being patient lead has allowed me to talk to people at the frontier of research and get involved in the team as a patient representative, giving opinions and ideas. The experience and everyone I’ve met have been amazing; it’s been a wonderful opportunity.

For patients to have such a big involvement in projects like this is so important. You get to be a part of the future and the bigger picture. You feel like you’re not just a patient, you’re not just providing samples, you have a voice, you’re part of something much, much bigger.

How research can change lives

For the next generation of kids with childhood arthritis this research could mean they won’t have to go through what I did. They could have the right therapy handpicked for them, reducing the impact it has on their lives. If this feature was available when I was diagnosed, I could have been on the best medication for me from the beginning. I may not have had all the issues I described and could be living a different life right now. That’s not the case for me. But it could be for a kid like me. This study is changing the treatments for kids with JIA and changing their lives simultaneously.

More about CLUSTER and the MRC Stratified Medicine Initiative

CLUSTER, led by scientist at UCL and GOS Institute of Child Health, is one of four stratified medicine projects being funded by the MRC. Stratified medicine, also referred to as personalised medicine or precision medicine, is an emerging approach for disease diagnosis and treatment that considers patients’ genes, environment and lifestyle to create tailored therapies instead of a one-size-fits-all approach.

The Importance of Young People having a voice - Kelsey’s BSPAR experience

Kelsey, 20, lives and works in Manchester and has a rheumatic condition that is yet to be diagnosed. She is a member of Your Rheum and here she talks about her experience of speaking at a medical conference on behalf of the group.

I heard about the British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology (BSPAR) conference through an advisory group that I am a member of called Your Rheum. The group is for people in the UK aged 11-24 years who have a diagnosed rheumatic condition, to help understand and get involved in rheumatology research that is relevant to them.

I wanted to attend the conference to voice what we wanted researchers to focus on and to encourage the researchers to involve young people in the research. After all, we are the experts.

I feel that I have learnt a lot by attending the conference and it was great to see the different companies and charities that get involved to provide support and information to young people with these conditions and their families.

The conference

At the conference, a few of the Your Rheum members and I answered questions such as, what we feel is the top priority for research, our experience of research and what we think of the care that we receive. We then had a Q&A session with some of the researchers and got the chance to ask them questions regarding how they determine what is worth researching and what isn’t, and what research is being done for the mental health aspect of the condition.

What I learnt

I feel this was useful to not only for us, as people with these conditions, but for the researchers to get an insight on how we would like to be involved and why.

Before attending the conference, I believed that researchers wouldn’t be interested in our thoughts or what we wanted to be researched. However, now that I have been to the conference, I feel that our voices were heard and that researchers actually value our input and also want us to get involved in their projects.

Looking forward

I would like the opportunity for not only Your Rheum members but for all young people with rheumatic conditions to be able to participate in research and to be a lot more informed in how our contribution to research helps.

I’d like future research to have a focus on improving young people’s quality of life.

In the first stages of diagnosis it is vital that young people get the appropriate support as it is very hard to come to terms with alone, and if there is no support it is much easier for young people to develop mental health problems in addition to the condition. This would have detrimental effects and I feel that it is so important that we all have someone to confide in at this stage, whether that is family, friends or a healthcare professional.