Here you will find several examples of involving children and young people in health research

GenerationR: The Children’s Speciality Theme in the NIHR CRN is one of 30 Specialties, which brings together communities of clinical practice to provide national networks of research expertise. The Children’s Speciality Theme is supported by a National Young Person’s Advisory Group (YPAG) called GenerationR (R for Research) Alliance, which consists of YPAGs across the UK (including Your Rheum YPAG).

DECIPHer is a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence. It brings together leading experts from a range of disciplines to tackle public health issues, with a particular focus on developing and evaluating multi-level interventions that will have an impact on the health and wellbeing of children and young people. Public involvement is undertaken in the Centre through employing a full time ‘Involving Young People Research Officer’ who supports and organises two groups: a young people’s advisory group (ALPHA: Advice Leading to Public Health Advancement) and a Public Involvement Steering Group made up of academics and practitioners with a sound understanding of public involvement.

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health is a UK wide charity whose mission is to transform child health through knowledge, innovation and expertise. The Children and Young People’s Engagement Team at the College works to ensure that the voice of children, young people and families is making a difference in child health and healthcare for young patients. Through delivering the &Us network for children, young people, parents and carers; and the Engagement Collaborative for professionals, they actively seek and share the views of children, young people and families in order to influence and shape policy and practice.

The Association for Young People’s Health (AYPH) is the UK’s leading independent voice for youth health.  That believe young people have a right to good health and high quality accessible healthcare. AYPH work to improve the health and wellbeing of 10-24 year olds.

Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation based at The University of Central Lancashire’s School of Social Work, and founded in 2008 by Professors Nigel Thomas and Andy Bilson, the Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation is the only research centre devoted to this theme, and has an international reputation for research and knowledge exchange. It has conducted research for a wide range of bodies including governments, NGOs and international organisations, and has associates all over the world.